Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Resources for Finding a Caregiver - Austin and Surrounding Area

Listed here are suggestions for finding a caregiver for your aging loved one. At the locations below you may be able to post an ad or the staff can provide more assistance. To locate any of the following, try checking the phone book, Internet yellow pages, chamber of commerce, states department of labor website, agencies for the aging, or local parks and recreation departments.

Local library - Check your local libraries in Austin, Round Rock, Georgetown, San Marcos, Buda, Kyle etc. They make information resources publicly available by allowing citizens to check out books, DVDs and to review and research all kinds of information in a variety of formats. They even have computers that are connected to the Internet. Most libraries have bulletin boards or information available to learn about community resources too.

Check with the University of Texas, St. Edward's University, Texas State, and all others in our area for they generally have a career center that provides job listings in the area for students. So, you may be able to hire a grad student who is studying nursing, for example. I personally hire students with specialized expertise to help me with

Community centers or senior centers are located through-put our area and they provide educational and recreational classes and activities for all different age groups. I've attended several in Austin for Senior Services Networking meetings and find senior day activities in full bloom.

Religious organizations - one of my favorites: Churches, synagogues, mosques and other gathering places of worship often provide community or special services such as volunteer home health aides, delivering meals, visiting and being a companion for a few hours, or job bulletin boards.

Our State of Texas and local Austin area employment agencies help people find employment. They generally offer all kinds of career education and activities as well as job posting and career placement services.

Young Mens Christian Association or Young Womens Christian Association (YMCA/YWCA) in the Austin area offer recreational and educational resources and programs to the community. Their staff can help with locating professional home care services.

Check out the Caregiver's Resource Helpline - Austin area at 1-888-797-7806. It's a free resource too!

Thank you for visiting. My best, Carol @ Take good care.


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